1 、第一作者(或通讯作者)论文发表情况
1.1 SCI收录论文情况
[1] Liu L Y*(刘凌云), D P Yang, Zhou Y M(周远明), and Ji Zhou. Artificial isotropic magnetism and negative refraction of metamaterials consisting of dielectric spherical shells[J]. Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 2014, 117(2): 747-753.
Wang G(王改华), Liu Y, Zhao T. A quaternion-based switching filter for colour image denoising[J]. Signal Processing, 2014, 102(9): 216–225.
Wu M H(武明虎), Zhu X C. Distributed Video Compressive Sensing Reconstruction by Adaptive PCA Sparse Basis and Nonlocal Similarity[J]. KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS,2014. 8(8).2851-2865
Wan X K(万相奎), Yan K H, Zhang L L, Zeng Y J. A time-domain hybrid analysis method for detecting and quantifying T-wave alternans[J]. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2014, (2014): 1-10.
Wan X K(万相奎), Yan K H, Li A,
Wu M H(武明虎). Improved modified moving average analysis of T-wave alternans using least squares-based curve fitting method[J]. International Journal of Biomathematics, 2014, 7 (4): 1450044 (1-11)
ZHANG J Y(张金业),
HUANG C Y(黄楚云),
GONG W(龚威). Algorithm for Retrieving the Atmospheric Aerosol Extinction Coefficient via Raman Lidar Data[J]. lasers in engineering,2014, 37(5-6):393-398
[7] Sun Y,
Yuan S*(袁颂东), Xiong K, Hu K, Luo Y,
Fan M(范明霞),
Li D(李栋). Preparation and characterization of boron nitride/carbon fiber composite with high specific surface area[J]. International Journal of Materials Research, 2014, 105(6): 599-602.
Fan M(范明霞), Tong S, Jia C Q. Enhanced removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution by mesoporous activated carbons[J]. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 2014, 8(4): 489-499.
胡妮, 刘雍, 汤五丰, 裴玲, 方鹏飞, 熊锐, 石兢. La0.4Ca0.6MnO3 中Mn-位Fe 和Cr 掺杂对磁性质的影响. 物理学报, 2014, 63(23): 237502.
(2) 已录用论文
[1] Li X M,
Cao X A*(曹先安). Simplified phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes with a WO
3-doped wide bandgap organic charge transport layer[J]. Organic Electronics, 2015, 17: 9-14.(中科院一区)
Lv H(吕辉),
Liu W(刘文), Sheng F, Dai J,
Cheng C(成纯富), J. Zhang. Temperature-dependent model of concentrator photovoltaic modules combining optical elements and Ⅲ-Ⅴ multi-junction solar cells[J]. Solar Energy. (中科院二区)
1.2 EI(JA)收录论文情况
(1) 已见刊及已在线发表的论文
Chang C(常春),
Wu M(武明虎),
Li L(李利荣),
Wu D(吴丹雯). Disastrous data fusion method based on Dempster-Shafter evidence theory for smart grid[J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2014, 11(4): 1209-1215.
贺章擎, 敖天勇, 刘恺, 戴葵. 基于随机指令注入的抗旁路攻击硬件防护技术[J]. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 42(5): 128-132.
Xiong W(熊炜), Liang D M, Zhao S Y. Expected Node Degree and Hopcount Analysis of One-dimensional Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2014, 11 (16) : 5717-5725.
[4] Xu W H,
Ma X G*(马兴国), Wu T, He Z Q,
Wang H H(王辉虎),
Huang C Y(黄楚云). First-principles study on the synergistic effects of codoped anatase TiO
2 photocatalysts codoped with N/V or C/Cr[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2014, 35(10): 102002~1020028.
朱进容. 基于成像光谱仪MODIS的近十年武汉水汽含量变化分析[J]. 光子学报,2014, 43(10):10010031-10010036.
(2) 已录用论文
官成钢. 聚光太阳能光伏模组等效电路模型及参数提取[J]. 太阳能学报, 2016, 37卷.
Wu T(吴铁洲), Li Z, Hu L, Bai T. The Research Of Searching For Optimal Frequency In Variable Frequency Charging Technology[J]. Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2014.
吴铁洲, 何东晨, 曾艺师, 吴笑民. 基于改进粒子群算法的逆变器谐波抑制研究[J]. 太阳能学报, 2014.
吴铁洲, 李子龙, 白婷, 胡丽平. 变频脉冲充电技术最优频率搜寻方法研究[J]. 武汉理工大学学报, 2014.
廖力*, 周雪芹, 李清清, 陈璐, 周建中. 基于双重迭代聚类的模糊投影寻踪聚类算法[J]. 武汉大学学报 信息科学版.
Zhu L(朱莉), Xu S Y*. Prediction algorithm based on web mining for multimedia objects in next-generation Digital Earth[J]. Int. J. Embedded Systems, 2015, 7(1): 79-87.
1.3 CSSCI收录论文情况
张冀新,李荣.基于“三力模型”的我国副省级城市经济结构非均衡演化分析[J]. 经济体制改革, 2014(1): 53-57.
张冀新,李荣.国家大学科技园区域融合度测算及路径选择[J]. 科技进步与对策, 2014(8): 44-48.
张翼,曾炜. 财政分权、利益集团与我国二氧化碳排放——基于省级面板数据的经验分析[J]. 湖北社会科学,2014(12):84-89.
1.4. 中文核心收录论文情况
[1] 熊超,
黎明*, 张凯明, 程玉, 杨庆华.中国食品药品监管资金配置的地域差异研究.中国科技论坛,2014(7):94-98.
张冉. In
0.47As/InP量子阱中的Rashba自旋-轨道耦合, 材料导报,28(7): 138-141, 2014.
周远明, 钟才,
张冉. 调制掺杂ZnMgO/ZnO异质结构中的二维电子气, 材料导报, 28(7), 138-141.
席自强, 肖贞仁, 李开成. 基于Concerto多模块APF控制系统设计[J],电力电子技术,2014, 48(1): 45-47.
[5] 盛飞,
官成钢. 应用于聚光光伏系统的高精度跟踪器的研究[J]. 太阳能, 2014, 12: 21-24.
[6] 全睿,
谭保华*, 唐新峰, 全书海, 黄亮. 汽车尾气温差发电装置用热电器件的试验研究[J]. 中国机械工程, 2014, 25(5): 705-709.
吴铁洲, 胡丽平. 基于UKF滤波法的动力电池SOC估算算法研究[J]. 电力电子技术, 2014, 48(4): 23-26.
贺章擎, 戴葵, 童元满, 邹雪城. 计时攻击漏洞识别与防护能力量化评估技术[J]. 计算机工程与科学, 2014, 36(4): 640-643.
贺章擎, 黄威, 戴葵, 郑朝霞. 图像Laplace变换在异构多核工程科学计算加速协处理器上的实现[J]. 计算机应用, 2014, 34(2): 369-372.
朱莉, 徐胜勇. 基于OpenCV的光纤端面检测系统研究[J]. 光通信研究, 2015.1.
成纯富. 光线偏折对激光测量火焰温度场干涉图的影响. 激光杂志, 2014, 35(2): 52-55.
吴颖丹. 多源SAR影像区域网平差的比较研究[J]. 测绘科学, 2014, 39(9): 24-28.
2.1 SCI收录论文情况
(1) 已见刊及已在线发表的论文
[1] Zheng W W, Bi P, Kang H C, Wei W,
Liu F M(刘丰铭), Shi J, Peng L X, Wang Z Y, Xiong R. Low thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric figure of merit in n-type BaxYbyCo4Sb12 double-filled skutterudites[J]. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 023901 (2014) SCI (影响因子 3.739)
[2] Wang Z, Wei W,
Hu N(胡妮), Min R,
Pei L(裴玲), Chen Y,
Liu F(刘丰铭), Liu Z. Manipulation of elastic waves by zero index metamaterials[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116(20): 204501.
[3] Yu L, Liu C, Hua S,
Liu M(刘敏). “Cognitive Radio Assisted Quality Compensation for Scalable Video Multicast in Cellular Networks”, Signal Processing: Image Communication
[4] X. Li, C. L. Lu, J. Y. Dai, S. Dong, Y. Chen,
N. Hu (胡妮), G. H. Wu, M. F. Liu, Z. B. Yan, and J. -M. Liu, Novel multiferroicity in GdMnO3 thin films with self-assembled nano-twinned domains, Scientific Reports 2014,4, 7019.
[5] C. L. Lu,
N. Hu (胡妮), M. Yang, S. C. Xia, H. W. Wang, J. F. Wang, Z. C. Xia, and J. -M. Liu, High magnetic field phase diagram in electronc-doped manganites La0.4Ca0.6 (Mn1-yCry)O3, Scientific Reports 2014, 4, 4902.
(2) 已录用论文
[1] Ou Y, Zhou C, Zheng A,
Cheng C(成纯富), Fan D, Yin J, Tian H, Li M, Lu Y, A method of hybrid multiplexing for fiber optic Fabry-Perot sensors utilizing frequency-shifted interferometry[J].
Applied Optics, 2014, accepted
2.2 EI(JA)收录论文情况
[1] 焦彦维, 胡涛,
廖力, 侯德亭, 余道杰, 陈旭来. 基于区间云模型对信息网络的效能评估[J]. 系统工程理论与实践. (EI&CSSCI刊源, 已录用待刊)